Attorney Malpractice Insurance Estimate

There are 3 easy methods to put us to work for you.

Online Estimate Form

Submit your request with our easy Online Estimate Form.  For your protection, this is an encrypted Secure Socket Layer form.

Click here

Fax Multi-Carrier Application

For the most accurate premium estimates, complete and fax our 3-page multi-carrier insurance application along with a copy of your firms letterhead.

Click here

Quick Premium Estimate

 Just fax:

      - Your Firms Letterhead

      - Your Most Recent Insurance Application 

to (619) 661-0642​

The Geisen Family has been practicing insurance since 1929. Geisen Insurance Brokers is a family owned and operated business. Greg and Linda Geisen represent the third generation of insurance professionals in the Geisen family. For the last 30 years, Geisen Insurance Brokers has focused on California Lawyers legal malpractice Insurance to meet the demands of California's confusing and volatile market place. Geisen Insurance Brokers has the experience and established relationships to insure your law firm gets the right attorney malpractice insurance. Because filling out applications and finding the right insurance coverage is time consuming, many attorneys and firms automatically accept premium increases every year from the same carrier without shopping their coverage. As your broker, Geisen Insurance Brokers will shop your coverage and work to ensure your firm gets the best coverage at the lowest cost.